My first Blog post!! I recently started Trim Healthy Mama!!
I am loving it! I was told about it years ago, but my family wasn't really on board to try it. To tell you the truth the thought of a Stevia life wasn't for me either!! But, the Lord brought it before me again and again. So I just decided to actually read the book rather than judge it. Ha Ha!!
My family and I ate the Dr. Ben Lerner way for a while. He wrote Body By God. It was a very great diet plan or life eating plan. BUT... that was when I only had 3 children. It was very expensive for one. I just couldn't afford all organic meats, produce, and etc. The other, it required a lot of time from me at a time I just didn't have to give. So it fell by the way side in our life.
I went on to eating as cheaply as we could for some time. Then we needed to be gluten free for a while. Food was always an issue in our house. Many of us have tummy troubles and have to be careful what we eat. So I always wanted to change things but didn't know how and didn't want to grasp at all these different things. I prayed for clarity many time. THM came up often ,but it just didn't "seem" like the right fit.
I am glad to say that I was wrong. I was loaned the Large Book from a friend. I read through it with the help of a much info!! Then hubby got me the two new smaller books. It helped SOOOO much!! This blog will be my feeble attempt to be a help and blessing to other Mamas!!
My goal is to do THM without all the special ingredients. Just make regular meals and substitute where needed. I will use some of them but not many. I recently created a Fuel Cycle Week. I posted it on the FB group, THM No special Ingredients. I will post it here as well.
So here we go!!!
Thank you so much for your work on this blog. I truly appreciate all the help since I'm having trouble getting myself together!