Saturday, April 23, 2016

April 23, 2016- An Update

Well, here I am, up extremely late at night! Yikes! I am never up this late. I was packing for a day trip for the family when I remembered my blog was prettied up! So I stopped in to take a look. Wow does it look nice. So excited!! Then I realized that I never really updated on the Fuel Cycle Week or my progress.

We started THM in, hmm, I want to say end of Jan, maybe Feb. It's been a couple or few months. Unfortunately I didn't write it down. It's been a crazy few months. It took me about a month to actually figure it out. I still don't have it all figured out, but I can make S and E meals. I can do some Fuel Pull meals. And I can lose weight eating fatty foods! HA! No, really!!

When I started this I was 244lbs. I am now at my first goal weight! I don't know why I chose it, but it was my first goal. Most likely because I haven't seen anything under 236 since baby 5! As of this week I officially weigh in at 230lbs!! All my clothes are loose on me as well.

Another change is that my sweetheart and I have started walking 3 times a week. For right now we are walking, but in another month we will start short runs. We are training for a 5K in the fall!! I can not believe I am going to attempt to run.

I have had some major non scale victories too. We walk 3 times a week for 30 mins. Most of the time we walk at a fast pace and cover about 1.5 to 2 miles. For a Mom who have been active "in the house" for years, this is great! But we live on the top of a hill. I have always dreaded that hill. I have not attempted to ever walk it at all! Well, the way that we walked last week required us to walk up that hill, at the end of our walk! I did it with ease!! Seriously folks! My knees could barely help me make it up stairs let alone a big hill like that one. I was so excited! I have since walked that hill 2 times now. Praising the LORD for the health and strength I have building up!!

Another victory has been for my teenage son. He has lost 5ish lbs and has slimmed out a lot. He enjoys the THM way of life, but misses junk food. Lol. I don't keep him 100% on weight loss plan. He does cross overs frequently. He doesn't have a lot to lose.

So this is my little update! I am working on getting menus up and running. My goal is that I can sit down and post a monthly menu and grocery list. It's a goal! Working hard to it!!!

God Bless, need some shut eye!

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